Mindful Researchers kick-off meeting

Overview of the visioning process for the MR Initiative

We are excited to invite you to our kick-off-meeting on Tuesday, 10th October 2023 from 19:30-20:30 CEST. Please come and join us, especially if you wish to …

  • reconnect with old and new friends,
  • rekindle a sense of community and belonging,
  • learn about our ideas for evolving the Mindful Researchers initiative,
  • start to engage in our participatory “visioning” process!

In the kick-off meeting we’ll share details of our planned “visioning” process for the Mindful Researchers initiative, and we’ll also dedicate plenty of time for reconnection, sharing and discussion. Please register here to join us via Zoom.

Over the next months, through this “visioning” process we will identify together the current priorities, goals and needs within the community. Thus we will translate your needs, ideas and feedback into an actionable design plan that can shape the future of our community.

In parallel, you may also propose new activities (which can be “external” or hosted within our “ecosystem”) and share them with other members to create a community of practice together.

We look forward to reconvening with you in upcoming online events and gatherings, and to co-creating our future path together! 

Do you want to stay informed? Please send us a message to sign up for our newsletter!


    1. Thank you Dave, much appreciated! We hope you can make it for future meetings. Sorry if the timezone makes it difficult for you!

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