Hybrid Event
Mind-Brain-Mindfulness (MBM): Research Seminar
September 20 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Hybrid Event
Hybrid meeting:
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, room MF-A511 (5th floor, Section A of the Medical Faculty Building), Van der Boechorststraat 7, Amsterdam
- Zoom (https://vu-live.zoom.us/j/
7466791720?pwd= d3hEelVkYU1HWjhGNnhhQlJCd3lwQT 09&omn=99883748671 ; Meeting ID: 746 679 1720; Passcode: 312865)
- 13:30 Guided meditation
- 13:50 Introductions
- 14:30 TBD
- 15:00 TBD
- 15:45 TBD
- 16:30 TBD
- 17:00 Drinks close to the meeting venue (optional)
The organisers are seeking speakers for their upcoming meetings! If you would like to present your ideas/work, please reach out to Surya Rajan Selvam at s.r.selvam@vu.nl.
Related Events
Note: This is a curated selection of upcoming events (and application deadlines) related to open & contemplative science, research, scholarship, and practice. Times are given in CET/CEST unless stated otherwise.